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Drysdale Football Club

Trivia Night for Junior Parents and Friends

Sat, 29 Jul 2023
18:30 - 22:00

A fun and friendly event for Junior parents and friends to get to know each other.

Silent auction, raffles and prizes on the night.

Reserve your table today.  

Don't have a table, don't worry we can help with that. 

BYO food for your table. No BYO alcohol, the bar will be open, drinks at DFC prices. 

*Cash and credit card facility available on the night.*

Ticket Type Price
Table of 8 people This ticket allows entry for eight people. $80.00 Sale Ended
6 people (we will try and find you two more) This ticket is for 6 people. We would like to try and get 8 to a table to help cover our hire costs, so please be aware we will try and find two more people to sit with you. $60.00 Sale Ended
4 people (we will try to find you four more) This ticket is for 4 people.  We would like to try and get 8 to a table to help cover our hire costs, so please be aware we will try and find four more people to sit with you. $40.00 Sale Ended
2 people (we will try to allocate you to a table of 8) $20.00 Sale Ended
Drysdale Football Club
20-30 Duke St, Curlewis VIC 3222, Australia

Drysdale Recreation Reserve, Duke Street, Drysdale, Victoria, 3222, Australia

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